Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer Checkpoint

So the summer has already been flying by.  We've been keeping ourselves busy with walks, pool time, parties with family and friends, just relaxing on the patio, and even a trip to the zoo.  Since it's been a hot, hot summer we joined the village pool, which is literally across the street from our house.  We've only gone twice so far, but it's so convenient for a quick 30 minute cool down.  The baby pool has a gradual entry and fountains so Maeve has been practicing her standing and walking and splashing.  Ryan even got to spend some time on the diving boards with the teenagers the other night. 

Ryan and I are each trying to accomplish 5 things over the summer/fall timeframe, as in something fun to do or something we've always wanted to try or just something we can all do together as a family.  They are a mix of small things and bigger things like trips. We started it after Ryan was talking to a co-worker who does something similar.  We realized that weekends can be so crazy trying to catch up on everything you couldn't get done during the week, plus trying to balance spending as much time with the munchkin as we can so we needed extra motivation.  Now we've technically only crossed one thing off my list - going to the zoo, but Ryan is going to a music festival this weekend in Kentucky so he'll cross one off on his list.  We've been making plans to hopefully accomplish all of the others so I'll keep you posted if we succeed.

Silly girl pre-pool 

Zoo trip, where we got to see the elephants playing in the water.  Obviously more fun for us, than Maeve.  She couldn't stop staring at all of the people.  My favorite part had to be the gorillas.  We were just standing in front of the window checking them out when a baby came running over in front of us to play, then the Mom came barreling over after and started pounding on the window right in front of me.  I jumped, but it was endearing to see a protective Momma. 

Last weekend, we got to have a visit with my girlfriend Stacey and her son Tyler, who turns 2 in October.  We walked to the Farmers Market, but couldn't stay long as some dark clouds were approaching.  So we got to spend more time playing at Stacey's.  Tyler has alot of fun toys that Maeve hasn't played with before so she was pretty chill just wanting to sit and play.  Look at what a difference less than a year makes.  Tyler is a full head taller and he's got some lucious locks of hair.  I can see these two being fast friends some day.

Just hanging out at Tim Hortons.  Maeve's top 2 teeth have popped through and she seems to be more herself. She was still sleeping well at night, but alittle more whiney and clingy.  Now she's back to her silly self. 

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