Monday, June 3, 2013

A lot of little things...

So life has been relatively peaceful around here.  Perfectly peaceful that the last thing I've been in the mood to do is sit in bed and type on the computer.  But our little girl keeps growing leaps and bounds. Not only is her hair getting longer and curlier in this heat, but she's talking like crazy.  We've just been trying to keep her busy and keep up with our own work, spring cleaning and enjoying this warmer weather.  And with that is a random group of pictures from my phone over the past couple of weeks since we've gotten home from our trip.

 Maeve got a wonderful gift the other day from her cousin Drew... a whole stack of new books.  We've been digging in all weekend.
 Ryan has been pretty busy with work but always makes an effort to spend some quality time with little miss.  He is always willing to be silly and goofy, particularly if it's something Maeve asked him to do.  
 Testing out a beef taco.  It was pretty much a mess, but she's getting much, much better.
 This is typical Maeve... following along one of us.  She was so curious where Dad went (for a run around the neighborhood) and I had to make an appetizer for a party later in the day so I got her a snack and drink and she sat for about 15 minutes at the front door waiting for Daddy to run back.
 Finally enjoying this wonderful weather at the water table.  She often drinks the water so we've been trying to keep it clean.  She likes to drink the water in the tub as well but we are working that.  She doesn't get sick too much so I'm thinking it might be she has a high tolerance for fighting germs from all of her dirty water drinking.
She is doing excellent at school as well lately.  We've gone 5 full days with no incident reports or for Maeve it's really just all about biting, but I can't remember ever going 5 straight days over the last 3 months with no reports.  She's had 4 teeth pop through over the past 2 weeks so I'm hoping that was driving some of the previous biting... here's hoping for a "bite-free" summer... because she leaves marks.

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