Monday, July 1, 2013

Fun Wedding Weekend

I think I'm still recovering from my girlfriend Niki's wedding this weekend.  It was held at the refurbished Statler and was just beautiful.  Ryan and I took full advantage of Maeve's sleep-over at Aunt Alicia & Uncle Jon's house and we were out until 3:30!!  I haven't hit 3 am in quite a while so a nap was required the next day.  

Here we are whooping it up post wedding!

 Fortunately for us, Al & Jon & Costigan must have tuckered Maeve right out because she took a solid 3 hour nap so I was able to get all caught up too.  Mid-day naps are pretty perfect every once in a while.  All reports from Al & Jon were good and it's official that Maeve just adores Costigan.  She is an animal lover and always lets him like her hand/face.

After naps, we decided to head over to the pool for a quick dip.  We are pretty fortunate to have the pool so close to us (walking distance) and how much Maeve loves the pool - especially all of the jumping and bubble blowing that comes with it.

Last week Maeve kept talking to Ryan and I mentioning "pom poms".  We kept asking her what that was all about, thinking they were doing some cheerleading in school or playing with pom poms at school.  Finally I asked Ryan to google it to see if it was a show or character that we didn't know about... come to find out it was a Jones Brothers song that she heard at school.  We downloaded the song and have probably played it about 30 times since then with Maeve just dancing away to it.  Ryan is slowly coming around to Pop music, starting to realize that he has no choice.  Lately Maeve wants to bring her pillow everywhere, or as Maeve says her "Pie Low".  We are looking forward to a short week and some celebrating with family and friends over the next couple of days.  Happy Fourth of July!!!

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