Monday, March 24, 2014

Counting Down

So our house is clean and orderly, laundry is caught up, some meals are prepared, and we are just waiting...
Waiting for our new arrival to join us.  I'm scheduled to be induced on Wednesday, which is partly because I'm ready to have this baby and partly because the sooner I can have this baby, the sooner I can start my break from work.  The doctor won't let me go more than a week past my due date so it was just easier to schedule, particularly since I had a relatively easy induction with Maeve since I went past my due date with her too.

It really has been crazy busy, for both Ryan and I, and we are both looking forward to the perfect little excuse for us to pause and just relish in the quality family time ahead of us.  Plus, I wouldn't mind being able to sleep in my back or stomach again and to partake in a beer or glass of wine.  I'm constantly counting my blessings at how I or the baby haven't had any health issues, but this 2nd pregnancy was definitely more tiring than the first.  I'm guessing it's some combination of being a couple years older and having a 2 year old to keep up with.  I've pretty much given up tub duty since Ryan's traveling has stopped.  Bending over a bath tub to wash Maeve sounds like I'm climbing Mt. Everest, as does flipping over in bed from side to side.

As for Maeve, she's constantly keeping us moving.  Unfortunately, one of her teacher's, Miss Denise, resigned a week ago.  She was Maeve's favorite and it breaks my heart as each day since she's been gone, Maeve has brought her up.  We've tried to tell her the truth, but you can tell it doesn't set in.  Fortunately, Miss Denise's daughter Amanda is our babysitter so we are hoping to schedule a playdate soon so Maeve can get in some Miss Denise time.

Other than that, just keeping busy.  I'll keep you all posted regarding Baby #2...

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