Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy 2013

Not really starting this year off right by blogging frequently but just when I think I'll catch up I've gotten socked with a new project at work and Maeve came home from school on Friday with a fever of 103 and a cold.

Pictures always tell the story better so let's catch up.  The rest of Christmas was great.  Here is Maeve finally getting into some presents... bath toys of all things, as well as here kitchen.  It's hard to believe but even since Christmas it's as if she's flipped a switch verbally.  She is talking up a storm!!  As in I can actually understand some of it, certainly not all, but she's learning to communicate and she loves it, yet it frustrates her beyond believe when you aren't doing what she's saying.

Lots of her vocabulary so far is coming from her books.  This is pretty typical - hanging out with some milk and a couple books.  Words so far include oldies of "Dada, Mama, No (!), On, Oh No, Apple, Isla, Drew, Dog, Lion, Roar, Woof, Butterfly (muffled, but pretty good), Hey, Bye-bye, Neigh (working on horse).

 After Christmas, Julie and the King family came into town to see everyone and hopefully get in some snow time.  Fortunately for them, a nice snowstorm arrived just before their arrival with plenty of snow to keep the girls busy for a couple of days between sledding and just horsing around outside the house.  We got to have a couple family get togethers, which are always the best, as well as a relaxing New Years Eve dinner (Thanks Bill!) with Michelle, Al and Jon.  They left for Baltimore New Years Day, but a perfect way to end the holidays before start of the new year.  I was pretty terrible with pictures, but did snap a funny one of Alexa and I playing with the kitchen.  She was the chef preparing my meal.  I think Alexa might of enjoyed Maeve the best because she finally had someone younger and smaller than her.  I think Maeve enjoyed all of the attention as well!

 Cute as a button!  The headband didn't last long, but I'll keep trying.  Her hair is a DISASTER right now and desperately needs a cut.  The back is growing out so much quicker than the sides so she looks alittle funky, especially with crazy bedhead in the morning.

 Maeve's latest thing besides talking is her love of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Here she is completely enraptured with the show.  She'll burst into a huge smile as soon as it starts up and she'll always run back into the room to watch/dance to the Hot Dog Dance.
 Nothing wrong with alittle snow!  She was trying to grab snow off my car today to eat before I got her in the car seat.

Friday we got a call from school in the afternoon letting us know that Maeve had spiked a fever.  She woke up with a cough that day but nothing crazy.  By the time we got her home from school, she was really warm and just out of sorts.  We pretty much spent the last 3 days just trying to keep her hydrated and comfortable while sleeping.  Her fever is gone and although mucus is draining, cough isn't too bad.  I'm hoping she's on the mend.  Any one else ready for spring and the end of cold/flu season?

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