Wednesday, June 6, 2012

9 Months Old

So we had Maeve's 9 month well visit last night and our girl is healthy and happy.  We did have to wait alittle bit and I only brought some puffs and a bottle, so she was hungry and tired from the evening activity.  Only 1 shot last night and she was a champ.  As soon as I picked her up, she was fine.  I'm sensing the shots will be tougher next visit.  We got home to eat, bath, and bed but she was up early, before I had a chance to shower so that is always interesting.  I try to set her up in our bedroom with toys, laundry basket, her blanket, but it takes about 10 seconds before she realizes I've disappeared into the bathroom before she comes to find me.  Then I have 2 handprints on the shower door telling me it's time to get out and play with her.  I think I've finally mastered the 2 minute shower.  Ryan is traveling this week on West Coast so no help in the morning this week. 

The growing girl... here are her stats: Weight = 19lbs, 6oz or 55th percentile.  Height = 27 1/2 inches or 41st percentile.  Head size is 41st percentile as well. 

As far as likes/dislikes at 9 months... she is loving her leap frog activity table and push lion on wheels.  Really anything that she can stand up.  She continues her love of her blankie.  She takes every nap and goes to bed everynight with it touching her.  She's pretty much sleeping on her belly, unless she is absolutely exhausted and will pass out with her hands above her head.  I put her in crib on her back, but usually she turns over right away.  Bedtime is a pretty good routine: bath, lotion, jammies, playtime, bottle/blanket/pacifier, then either hold her for a bit or just lay her down awake.  She's usually rubbing her eyes so we know it's only a matter of time.  I'm usually giving her breakfast in the morning when Ryan comes downstairs and she can always hear his steps down the stairs and turns her head so she can greet him with a smile. It's pretty cute.  She continues to love watching the washing machine/dryer and playing with her colorful cups and animal puzzle pieces.  I've gotten rid of most of the 6-9 months clothing so she's pretty much in just 9 months or 6-12 month clothing.  Food continues on a slow pace.  I've just bought some stage 3 foods that are alittle chunkier and she really liked the multi-grain cereal with mixed berries. 

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