Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Couple Random Pics

Uploaded some phone pictures from last 2 weeks that were cute. 
Maeve playing again with the mini laptop my mom bought.  She smiles at the songs and loves to open and close the screen, which will say Hello & Goodbye each time. 

We stopped at our friends pool on Memorial Day for a dip.  It was steamy outside so after Maeve's nap in afternoon we walked over to Greg & Jenn's AMAZING pool to cool off.  Maeve was alittle hesitant at first, but once her daddy started throwing her into the air, she was cracking up.  Look at those chunky little thighs!

So Maeve is really moving all over the place.  I was sitting in a chair in family room talking to Alicia on the phone when Maeve crawled right over and was just dying laughing at me talking out loud.  She's definitely pulling herself up on everything and walking along furniture.  Even her teacher commented this week that she's getting adventurous and only using one hand to stand and hold herself up.  We head to doctor tonight for 9 month appointment so I'll be sure to update with stats. 

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