Wednesday, October 24, 2012


So this week I'm a complete scatterbrain... completely all over the place, clumsy, forgetful, and just unlucky. The weekend can't come soon enough.  I think I'm in need of some rest and relaxation.  This will be part 1 of 2.  We had a pretty eventful couple weeks with friends in town, my parents in town, and then Erin, Sawyer and Isla came for a visit so I'll  have to take this in pieces.

I'm barely holding it together around here, but our little munchkin keeps on growing leaps and bounds.  Maeve is forming quite the personality.  She's just babbling away - really only saying Daddy and Mommy pretty clear, but she understands SO much!  She'll throw things into the garbage when asked.  She can pick out specific animals from her barn.  She is getting so much faster too - faster at running, faster at climbing, faster at throwing things in the toilet, and faster at dumping all of her toys.

We had a couples baby shower at the house a couple of weeks ago for Courtney and Tim.  Since they were in town from Denver, it was nice to get all the girls and boys together for a night.  Kassi brought baby Will and we pulled out a baby seat for him.  Maeve was obsessed with it for the next couple of days.  Isn't it amazing what a difference 14 months makes

So here was the baby shower spread.  I ordered a taco bar from Lloyd's Taco Truck.  It was simple and easy, particularly for a Friday night party.  I made the salad, borrowing the world's best party dish from my Aunt Sue.  It's so perfect for cobb salads. I mixed it up to go with the Mexican theme, adding peppers, corn,  black beans, and pepper jack cheese.  

Alittle random, but I bought Maeve some cute black boots for the fall/winter season. We did a test run ... success!  I'm working on incorporating some hair stuff... bows, ponytails, etc.  Her hair is growing into a slight mullet, but we did finally trim her bangs so that was an improvement.  It is getting quite curly in the back so hair watch continues.

This is a post-baby shower party.  Ryan and Tim stayed up for the long haul and although I did give him the morning off, it just wasn't enough.  He came downstairs, however didn't make it too long before he went back to sleep.  All attempts to get him back up to bed were unsuccessful, he wanted to just stay on the floor.  Maeve just played around him.

And one of my favorites pics from the last couple of weeks.  Quite a beauty she is

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