Sunday, September 30, 2012

She's Biting

So in a matter of a few short hours, my happiness for the weekend/Friday was cut short.  I picked up Maeve from school and as soon as I walked in one of her teachers informed me that there was an "incident".  I quickly assumed she fell or something, but unfortunately was wrong.  She bite a boy... in the face... and he bled... ugh how do I even respond to that?  I was shocked and upset.  How could this sweet, adorable girl bite someone with enough power to make him bleed?  After I was reassured that the little boy was fine and his parents were ok, I finally took a breath.  Of course all I'm thinking about is if there was something I could have done to stop it from happening as she did bite me for the first time last week, in my knee, but hasn't done it since.  She was pissed at me because I wouldn't pick her up but I didn't think more of it.  I just assumed it was just frustration at not being able to communicate and that her teeth are just driving her crazy since they are breaking through the skin.  Any advice, please post a comment and let me know.  I'll have to keep my eyes peeled tomorrow for any scars and/or war wounds on any of the boys.

Rest of weekend was great.  I got some cleaning and prep done for a couples baby shower at our house on Friday for Tim & Courtney.  I'm so excited to celebrate Baby Loehfelm and am testing out a couple new ideas for the shower.  Ryan and I also got a night out on Saturday.  As a treat for our birthdays, Maeve had a sleep-over at Nana and Papa Daleys.  Ryan and I went to Mike A's Steakhouse in the Hotel Lafayette.   We haven't been out in awhile so we kind of went crazy.  They have an Omakase option, which is a 10 course tasting menu.  Ryan was very interested and the whole table would have to do it so I said ok and 3 hours later we were absolutely stuffed and almost asleep at the table.  Thank god for the coffee or we might have gotten a hotel room just to sleep off the food coma.  Overall opinion on restaurant was good.  I thought everything was interesting and original... they are not playing it safe.  I tried a ton of flavors that seemed so strange on paper but did meld together well.  The only thing I didn't finish was the foie gras.  It was way too rich and I just couldn't get past the cold, thick texture.  My palate is just not refined enough I guess.  It was just was too much food.  Next time, I'm going to just stick to a wedge salad and a steak.  It was a great night out and we slept in until almost 7:30am.  Of course, Maeve slept in at Nana & Papa's until 9am.   

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