Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I am really trying to keep up with the blog, but not doing the best job lately.  In order to make this worthwhile for everyone, I need to do it more often period.  However, Rome wasn't built in a day so I'll attempt to catch up.  Part of the recap is from photos on my camera vs my phone. Most of this is out of order, but all from the last couple of weeks.

Halloween 2012: Maeve came down with a double ear infection the weekend before Halloween so although she was on the mend, she was still out of sorts and not really into wearing a costume.  I put it one for about 15 mins to try to get some pics, but these are the best I got.  Maybe next year will be better!
She's still an adorable pumpkin!

  Ryan and I did a pretty good job on our pumpkins this year.  I'll use a stencil or print-out from now one... much more fun than my typical triangle eyes, circle nose, and goofy smile.

 So Maeve's double ear infection followed her first fever.  We've been so lucky to have a pretty healthy girl.  She's suffered from a bunch of colds, but this really was her first fever ... and boy did this fever knock her out.  She was SO sad, just not her bubbly self.
 She would just lay on the floor with her blanket on and off throughout the day.  At one point, she just laid down and closed her eyes and ended up sleeping about 45 mins.  We went to the doctor on Monday to get some antibiotics for her ears and by Tuesday evening she was on the mend and back to school on Wednesday.

Maeve has formed quite an obsession for the iPad.  Ryan and I use it when we are around the house, but I wouldn't say we are on it that often.  Now, it's practically impossible to get on it with her around as she'll come right over and start whining to play a video.  I've only played a couple videos on You Tube for her, mainly some songs that are about 2 - 3 mins each.  She doesn't have the patience to watch anything longer.  But the minute I take it away after a couple videos, she'll start screaming.  Fortunately it's easy to distract her into something else relatively quick, but it's already amazing how she's learning to use her finger to pick out videos and switch them up.

 The Daleys LOVE their back rubs.  I've been attending family parties for almost 10 years and it would be surprising if I did't see one of the Daley men getting a back rub or back tickle.  It's pretty much almost nightly that I have to scratch Ryan's back even if just for alittle bit.  Well Maeve is taking after her Daddy on this.  It's probably because I'm so used to giving and not receiving, but also because her skin is so darn soft, but I'm always giving her rubs when she's resting on me.  This was early one morning before school... she's partly dressed and just resting enjoying alittle tickle.  Look at that smile!

Earlier in October, we headed to the playground on a warm afternoon.  I was snapping the pictures, while Maeve and Ryan went exploring on the swings, slides, and monkey bars!

 Erin, Sawyer, and Isla came for a visit mid-October and while it was relatively low key, we did have some highlights.  Saturday we headed to get some cider and pumpkins.  I love cousin love!

 Later in the afternoon, we just hung out around the house while the girls took some naps.  Later in the evening, Alicia did some braiding on Sawyer.  She doesn't exactly look like she's enjoying herself, but it came out beautiful.  I love the picture of Erin and Sawyer below.  That is Isla facing the other direction so stinks we couldn't get her in the pic too.  On Sunday morning, Erin and Isla were resting since Isla was up the night before so Ryan, Maeve, Sawyer and I went to Tim Hortons for some coffee and breakfast.  We ran into cousin Brian and Kane & Brady.  Not only did we get to hang out with them, but a guy drove a horse drawn carriage through the drive-through... how cool is that?!  You can see the horse in the picture below.

 After Tim Hortons, we all headed over to Mark & Jennifer's to have a play date with Luke & Aidan.
 Just adorable!

I didn't get the best pictures of Maeve and Isla, but I'm sure we'll have plenty in the future!

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