Monday, November 12, 2012

1 Year Anniversary

Thought this was an appropriate time to reflect on making it through my first year of work as a parent.  It was this week last year that my mom came into town to watch Maeve my first week back.  I remember feeling SO guilty and missing her dearly.  I still miss her dearly every day, but then I try to think of all of the fun and creative things that she gets to do all day and the wonderful people she is around all day and I start feeling better.  The balance is difficult though.  On a weekly basis I read articles debating "Can Women have it all???"... talk about opening a can of worms.  I don't think I personally strive to have it all, just to be fulfilled.  Is it even possible to strike a balance?  Can you be successful as a parent, successful as an employee, and let's not forget successful as a significant other?  Sorry - I've got no answers, but I love discussing the roller coaster ride.

Some weeks I'm at fire on work, crossing stuff off of my list, always being on time with picking up Maeve, being well-rested (= 8 hours of sleep!), and preparing a nice, home-cooked meal on the table by 6:30 (ok - maybe more like 7 ;)) ... and then there are the other weeks.  Weeks where our clothes are pulled out of the laundry basket since nothing was actually put away into the closet and/or drawers.  Weeks where we order out most nights and those we don't eat out we are having turkey sandwiches.  Weeks where I'm lucky I realize I have snots on my cardigan before the end of the day.  And my least fav, weeks where I'm speeding to get to daycare in time so Maeve's not the last kid in the building (yes - that has happened on more than one occasion).  Then let's add in the fact that I have a husband too, who's struggling in his own right to balance work and spending time with his child.  Sitting on the couch with laptops doing work after Maeve falls asleep is more common than not in our household.

So far, I have learned that I desperately need a night out every couple of weeks with Ryan to relax, catch-up on things non-work and even non-Maeve.  Mentally, I think I just get caught up in everything and need those nights out where I can have a glass of wine, a great meal and just take everything in.  Take in how lucky I am.  I have learned that laundry, errands, and cleaning can wait. As much as I stress trying to cross stuff off of my lists, I love playing with Maeve!  I would much prefer to order a pizza some night and have 15 extra minutes of just being silly and dancing to music with her.  I've learned that kids so smart (even 15 month year olds!), which is why I now password protect my phone  hide the iPad from her sight, and try to limit tv time because I don't need more distractions.  I've learned it's not really possible to get work done or sit on a conference call while there is a toddler awake and ready to play.  My hope is to achieve some sort of balance.  I'll try to give 100% of me to what I'm focused on... whatever that may be.

 On to lighter topics... the week's happenings
Maeve had pajama day at school on Wednesday. Here she was before school in her giraffe pjs looking so old!  On Saturday morning we ended up having a breakfast picnic on the floor.  It was fun to mix it up and she loved it.   

One other things that I learned is that I'm not a hair stylist and to take Maeve for a hair cut, not attempt it myself.  Her bangs are alittle bowl-like, but they were just so long and in her eyes, that I couldn't take it any longer. 

Loving to play peek-a-boo!

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