Monday, November 19, 2012

The Many Faces of Maeve Daley

So our little girl is forming quite a personality.  It's almost unbelievable how quickly she can shift between instant waterworks for no reason and pure, joyful laughter the next.  The next four pictures were across a matter of about 4 minutes. 
Awe, Drama, Happy, and Serious Faces

Round 2 of Serious and Happy Face

Not only has Maeve been more expressive at home, but her teachers have funny stories on a daily basis about what she's doing or really getting into.  She's been teaching her classmates how to empty the book baskets and sit in them as a chair, pretty much making a mess.  I was picking her up tonight and the teacher stopped a little girl from trying to climb up on the teacher's rocking chair... she mentioned that Maeve's been showing everyone how to climb.  She has now mastered climbing up and off the furniture, climbing up and down the stairs, and climbing all over us.  She likes to find corners to read books and just hang out.  At our house it's usually in the dining room or in the front hall closet.  She'll tuck herself right in and just look out the front door watching everything outside.  She's also been talking alot more.  So far words include: Dada, Mama, Dog, All Done, Roar, Woof, Nana, and Isla.  She just learned Nana and Isla this past weekend, but she says them pretty clearly.  The most amazing thing to me is when she takes a bath now.  So she LOVES the tub.  As soon as you tell her it's time for a tub, she'll run right to the stairs and start heading on up.  Lately she's been getting on all fours and crawling around in the water, even putting her face in the water and trying to blow bubbles.  But now she'll flip over and lay on her back with her head back and just start kicking her feet and laughing.  I'm excited, yet slightly scared for next summer to see if she likes the water as much as she loves her tubs. 

Other than that, just counting down days until Thanksgiving.  Lots to be thankful for this year.  For all of my family and friends who I won't see, have a wonderful day and I hope you all know how thankful I am for all of you!

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