Monday, February 25, 2013

1 1/2 Years Old!! Madness!

I think we are in the clear from the stomach bug... Maeve slept through the night Friday and did have one minor spit-up on Saturday morning, but I think it's because I rushed too fast to give her milk as she spit it up within 10 mins of consuming.  Rookie mistake on my part.  We stuck with water the rest of the day and she did seem to be mostly back to normal.  The rest of the weekend was so low-key, just lots of playing, napping, reading, and watching Mickey.  I'm pretty sure Maeve was going alittle stir crazy because she kept grabbing her coat and heading to the door saying bye-bye.  We all could use warmer weather and more time outdoors.  It's probably been about 10 degrees too cold for them to go out at school so here's hoping March brings slightly warmer temps.  I'm ready for weekend walks to Tim Hortons! 

We did head out on Saturday for a quick haircut for Maeve.  She's been sporting some wild hair as the back and bangs are growing out much faster than the sides.  I made the appointment 2 weeks ago so thank goodness the puking had subsided. 

Today is a special day as Maeve is 1 1/2 years old!  Everyone says time flies and I can confirm it does.  Her personality keeps growing everyday.  She's so quick to say "No" that I'm pretty sure she's not even listening to the question, but she says it in the most fitting tone that then I think she does get it.  Unfortunately, she is also going through another biting stage, coupled with a hitting phase.  We even attempted a time-out the other day.  She just laughed and thought it was a game or something.  Looks like we've got a long road ahead of us!

The pictures I'm posting are pre-plague.  We had a very low-key Valentine's Day.  School asked to send the kids in with either red or pink and she rocked some pretty sweet red pants with a cute top from Grandma.  We even had some cute bows from Nana, but not sure those made it in all day. 

Ryan and I have never really been into celebrating the day but he stopped to pick up some cupcakes from Mary Claire's for his ladies.  We all split a red velvet with cream cheese frosting... yum.  I did plan a trip to Antoinette's that weekend for an ice cream sundae for a treat for the whole family.  My parents used to get us chocolate hearts with our names on them from Antoinette's and their sundaes are amazing as well.  I don't remember them as big as they were because we only ate about 1/2 before we were too full.  It was so delicious and adorable seeing Maeve.  She LOVES ice cream and sprinkles loved people watching. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Last 24 Hours

Thursday night was a touch different than most as I ran right from work to a hair appointment for a refreshing cut and color.  Love the appointments because I catch up with a friend who does my hair and I get out of before work prep the following day since my hair is still salon ready, even after a night's sleep.  It usually means a bonus 15 mins in bed.

Well that changed so very quickly...  I got home just in time to put Maeve to bed.  Ryan mentioned that she didn't really eat her dinner, but she's been battling a cold so didn't think much of it.  Her notebook from school mentioned a great day with a good nap so no worries.  Well not 10 mins after putting her down she started crying (not normal), then it would stop, then start up a couple minutes later.  I grabbed her milk thinking she was just hungry from not eating dinner and as soon as I walked in her room I hit a wall of puke smell.  It was everywhere.  All over her, the crib, the floor, a poor stuffed animal that got the boot, even some on the wall.  So horribly disgusting yet so sad as she just didn't know what was going on.  She kept gagging alittle bit, but as soon as she caught her breath she seemed fine... babbling alittle.  I stripped her down and threw her into the tub, while Ryan went to work on her room (I offered, but he volunteered).

The rest of the night was a blur, between crying, puking up the little fluids she had left, dry heaving, and very little sleep.  We bounced from bed to bed, blanket to blanket, pjs to pjs.  I had to do at least 5 loads of laundry this morning.  Since this was our first stomach bug, I was no pro and just about trashed my house trying to keep her comfortable.

Fortunately our girl seems to have turned a corner.  The morning was touch and go, but no more puking.  She ended up sleeping almost 5 hours this afternoon and woke up in a much better mood with a better appetite.  Here's hoping tonight goes more smoothly.  I did learn that nurses and caregivers really are such wonderful people.  I couldn't imagine physically keeping up with sick people on a daily basis as it can be so exhausting and make you feel so helpless.  But we all survived and hope we don't see another stomach bug for at least another 18 months.  Now I'm off to bed at 9pm on a Friday night... times sure have changed... for the better :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lazy Sunday

This very well might have been the first weekend in about 3 months that was overall pretty lazy.  No parties, no commitments, no projects, or major errands.  Much of that could have been because Ryan was traveling for work and didn't get home until late Saturday, but it just was great.  Lots of quality time with Maeve.

Pretty much we got back from the cruise in January and Ryan's been crazy busy with work.  The parent company that owns his company was sold a couple months ago so there's been some changes, new responsibilities, and overall more work so he's been stretched a little thin.  He's had a big trip to Orlando in January and just got back from Portland, Oregon.  I had my first overnight trip to NYC since I switched positions in July and of course he was flying back that night from Orlando so Michelle helped us out big time!  So far we've managed to make it work so here's hoping it continues.

Besides work, Maeve (and I) had pretty bad colds in January.  No flu that's been going around, but enough congestion and mucus to make sleeping hard to come by.  We've been very lucky as she's only had colds and one double ear infection so far... counting my blessings.

I really should be blogging everyday because Maeve is really at a fun age.  She amazes us on a daily basis with all of her talking - some coherent, some not so much - and her personality.  She woke up from her nap today and although it took a couple repeats, we finally got that she was asking for "pudin" or pudding for a snack.  It sounded so adorable it was impossible to say no.  Which brings up her sweet tooth... I've tried to be pretty good about sweets, really only giving her some treats around the holidays and at parties.  She has yet to turn down any sort of cookie, cupcake, ice cream, and mini M&M so I know moderation is key!  I made these delicious Snickers cupcakes for work (recipe on and let her try some and she just inhaled it.  They were yummy and so moist that I couldn't blame her.  So far I haven't found any food allergies as I've heard some pretty scary stories so hoping she is in the clear.  In terms of her eating habits, yogurt, peas, berries, pasta, and cheese continue to be biggest winners.  Besides a bite of a meatball, I don't think she's eaten any meat in our house.  It appears she eats it at school, but I have my doubts.  We went to Chipotle last weekend while running errands and she seemed so grown up.  She insisted on drinking milk from the container, not her cup.

 Delicious Snickers cupcakes... they even had a frozen snickers baked inside!

 Not sure if this video will work since first time I've put one on blog.  My voice sounds kind of obnoxious, but Maeve is super cute in video.  I try to send video or pics everyday to Ryan when he's out of town.  This was  quick one in the morning. You can see the ADORABLE gap in her two front teeth and hear her voice.  She's been whispering more, which is pretty funny.

Maeve continues to love school.  She's still in the Baby Duck room because there isn't a full time spot open in the Yellow Duck room, but they are moving her over when there is room (about 2 days a week).  She's 18 months and the oldest in the room as it starts at babies from 6 weeks old.  I'm hoping she'll move in March to the next room, which is 12 - 24 months.  I'm not in the least bit worried about her development, just socially I'd like for her to be with more kids her age.  There are babies under 12 weeks in her room and the teachers always comment how Maeve pretends she is a teacher.  She'll try to feed and rock the baby...  the girl is a lover.  She's grown so much that even when I look at her, I don't see a baby any more.  Her hair is getting so long and she makes the funniest facial impressions, particularly with her eyes, where you think she is rolling them at you.  I don't think we are there yet, but not far off.  Her hair is long enough for pigtails and so close to fitting in a ponytail... she'll look just like me then!  She's been so good when I drop her off in the morning too.  She's less clingy and will even kiss and wave bye-bye when I'm leaving.  She has a love of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and although I've tried to have other shows, she'll just shake her head and say "No No No No No".  I got her to watch some of 101 Dalmatians and the only reason is because there is a dog in almost every scene.  

Back to the weekend - Maeve and I stopped at Greg & Jenn's on Friday night for a visit.  They had been having a tough couple of weeks and Greg's mom actually passed away that night.  I think puppies and babies often provide the best pick me up so hopefully Maeve provided a momentary relief.  I know she LOVES Greg and will go right to him.  Saturday morning we had a playdate with my girlfriend Stacey and her son Tyler and Jeanne, Kane, and Brady.  What a fun morning!  Kane is almost 4, Tyler & Brady are 2 and I was  kind of surprised, but Maeve kept right up with them.  We relaxed the rest of the day and I even got to watch Pitch Perfect that night before Ryan got home... such a great movie!  So today was more of the same, but instead of some 2 and 4 years olds, it was Ryan running around the house playing with Maeve in the tunnels and under blankets.  We did a ton of Skyping today with both sets of grandparents and even Tim, Courtney, and their new baby George!  Maeve hardly said a peep on the phone, but I think they'll be fast friends some day just like their daddy's.

One more random thought, so Maeve is loving the snow these days that before I can get her in her carseat, she'll try to grab snow off of my car windows to eat.  Now I try not to have her eat that snow, but she kept pointing outside on Saturday morning and we had just had a fresh couple of inches the night before/that morning.  So I got a tupperware container and filled it up with some snow and she just sat and ate it with a spoon.  The girl finished the container and wanted more so I gave her one more scoop and she finished it right up.  Sunday she did the same thing so she enjoyed two more bowls of snow.  I was telling my mom about it and she told me to let the snow melt and see what it looked like.  Her point was that the snow is likely so much dirtier than I thought.  I considered it, but ended up not because I probably would have just felt like a terrible parent, but what's the fun in that?  I have so many memories of playing outside with my sisters in the snow at all hours of the day and night and often just laying in the snow after sledding down a hill or making an angel, grabbing a handful of snow and just munching away... so refreshing.  Everything in moderation:)

The next two weeks should be relatively quiet for us with lots of family time before traveling picks up again.  I go back to NYC end of this month, then Maeve and I are heading to Chicago for a weekend to see the Harris family.  Can't wait to see pregnant Erin and get Isla & Maeve together.  They always talk about each other so let's hope they'll talk to each other!