Monday, February 25, 2013

1 1/2 Years Old!! Madness!

I think we are in the clear from the stomach bug... Maeve slept through the night Friday and did have one minor spit-up on Saturday morning, but I think it's because I rushed too fast to give her milk as she spit it up within 10 mins of consuming.  Rookie mistake on my part.  We stuck with water the rest of the day and she did seem to be mostly back to normal.  The rest of the weekend was so low-key, just lots of playing, napping, reading, and watching Mickey.  I'm pretty sure Maeve was going alittle stir crazy because she kept grabbing her coat and heading to the door saying bye-bye.  We all could use warmer weather and more time outdoors.  It's probably been about 10 degrees too cold for them to go out at school so here's hoping March brings slightly warmer temps.  I'm ready for weekend walks to Tim Hortons! 

We did head out on Saturday for a quick haircut for Maeve.  She's been sporting some wild hair as the back and bangs are growing out much faster than the sides.  I made the appointment 2 weeks ago so thank goodness the puking had subsided. 

Today is a special day as Maeve is 1 1/2 years old!  Everyone says time flies and I can confirm it does.  Her personality keeps growing everyday.  She's so quick to say "No" that I'm pretty sure she's not even listening to the question, but she says it in the most fitting tone that then I think she does get it.  Unfortunately, she is also going through another biting stage, coupled with a hitting phase.  We even attempted a time-out the other day.  She just laughed and thought it was a game or something.  Looks like we've got a long road ahead of us!

The pictures I'm posting are pre-plague.  We had a very low-key Valentine's Day.  School asked to send the kids in with either red or pink and she rocked some pretty sweet red pants with a cute top from Grandma.  We even had some cute bows from Nana, but not sure those made it in all day. 

Ryan and I have never really been into celebrating the day but he stopped to pick up some cupcakes from Mary Claire's for his ladies.  We all split a red velvet with cream cheese frosting... yum.  I did plan a trip to Antoinette's that weekend for an ice cream sundae for a treat for the whole family.  My parents used to get us chocolate hearts with our names on them from Antoinette's and their sundaes are amazing as well.  I don't remember them as big as they were because we only ate about 1/2 before we were too full.  It was so delicious and adorable seeing Maeve.  She LOVES ice cream and sprinkles loved people watching. 

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