Sunday, April 7, 2013

Love these kinds of weekends...

I wrote this 2 weeks ago, but never got to pictures...

These are the kinds of weekends I wished happened all of the time.  We had a perfect mix of relaxation and fun!  It's been a couple of weeks since we've seen most of our friends so we decided to have a little get together with a couple of friends on Saturday night, which included both adults & kids!  It's amazing how it only takes a couple of extra little bodies to make you feel like need a bigger house.  Regardless of the madness it really was such a fun night.  Maeve was in heaven with lots of play mates and all sorts of new ideas like jumping of couches and standing on chairs.  But I digress...

So this might have been the easiest get together I've had.  To keep it simple I did the main course (BBQ & mac & cheese) and asked my wonderful friends to bring either an app or dessert.  What better way to save yourself some time than to get help from others - and they did not disappoint.  I attempted something new and made BBQ beef brisket in the crockpot.  It needs to cook 9 - 10 hours so I had to get an early start.  Maeve's still getting over this cold and woke up crying at 4:30am.  It didn't last long and she was back asleep, but unfortunately I just couldn't get there myself.  I laid in bed for a bit before finally giving up and just heading to Wegmans.  By 7:30 I'd done my grocery shopping, had a brisket cooking, coleslaw made, and coffee done.  Maeve and Ryan were still sleeping.  Regardless of the early start, the party was so fun.  The kids were great with very few tears.  At one point, my friend Jeanne and I were in the living room with her son Brady and Maeve and I eating dinner, when Brady stopped to say "This Mac N Cheese makes me so happy".  He is such a sweetheart and I think Maeve and Brady will be lifelong friends/cousins.  The mac n cheese did come out pretty well.  There were multiple comments about how these parties certainly have changed.  Gone are the days of shots, drinking games, and 3 hour dinners.  It took me the first 2 hours of the party just to finish my first beer, I ate dinner in 5 mins sitting at a kids table and the only organized game played was twister and what I think was a soccer game with a zamboni (shopping cart) cleaning the floor during intermission.  Change is more than good sometimes.

The weather has still been cold, but we had a great rest of the weekend.  We danced to some music, colored, and read books.  We were  upstairs cleaning and putting laundry away and Maeve played for at least 30 minutes with a purse, necklaces, and bracelets of mine.  She just keep putting them on, taking them off, putting them in the purse, taking them out of the purse, rinse and repeat.  It was amazing!  Our girl is really growing up. Maeve slept in both days for her tired parents and even took a solid nap on Sunday, which allowed both Ryan and I to get a 2 hour snooze as well!

This week we went to the doctor for Maeve's 18 month check-up.  Weight = 24lbs, 4 oz and Height = 32 inches, 44th and 52nd percentile respectively.  She still seems like a peanut, but is morphing into this little girl... no baby any more :(  Except for the biting.  Her first full week in the Duck room did not go without incident.  We had 1 full report, which requires a signature, and 2 "Well we had an issue today".  This is usually the first thing they say at the end of the day.  Fortunately, no one was hurt and they were able to remove Maeve from situation before she attacked, but it's never fun to hear.

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