Sunday, April 7, 2013

The days are long... the nights are not...

As I've been reminded a couple of times over the last couple of weeks, my blogging has been non-existent.  Many of my evenings lately have been filled with hours at the laptop doing some work.  Miss Maeve has an abundance of energy and is certainly keeping us on our toes.  She is talking up a storm and will pretty much repeat anything we say.  She is working on lots of names and is getting pretty good at Please & Thank You. Thank goodness that weather has been warming up as we are all getting more time outside.  She's been pretty cute in the tub too.  Not only is she all about laying on her back, but now she'll flip over on her belly and stick her face in the water to blow bubbles.  I'm hoping her love of the tub continues on to the pool this summer.  She's also running, climbing, and generally getting into everything.  It's exhausting, but so cute and fun.

Here are a variety of pics from the camera:

Getting into EVERYTHING 

 Winter Fun out in the Snow
 Taking the baby for a walk
 Neither of us realized that Ryan took this, but as you can see there is a small resemblance :)
 Her hair is really growing
 Eating some snow again
 Ha - her expressions are priceless
 I'm definitely saving this one for high school.  She was so serious about trying to go outside.
 No Mom - let's switch to zebra boots instead.  Totally makes more sense.
 Maeve and Brady
 Umm so where is that darn Easter basket.  You told me to look behind the curtain. 
 Our little Easter bunny.
She wasn't too happy with the pictures and passed out in the car right after this for a quick cat nap, but she was looking so cute.  Hope everyone had a nice Easter!

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