Thursday, February 23, 2012

President's Weekend

Our house has been a mass of tissues lately as all of us have been battling colds.  Fortunately, Maeve is feeling much better and Ryan and I are on the mend as well.  Last weekend was somewhat uneventful as we continued to recover with lots of sleep and lounging in our sweaties.  Saturday I went down to Grove City with Michelle and Al for some shopping.  Successful trip with some new work attire and some adorable Nine West boots for a steal!  We celebrated Drew Daley's birthday that evening and Maeve was so good just chilling on the floor with the adults while the kids were tearing apart the basement!  I'm getting very excited for Florida in March to see the Kings and Harris's because all of the Daley/Vukelic cousins are just awesome with Maeve and it's such a fun interaction.  Hope she gets the same lovin' in FL. 
As you can see, she is morphing into her parents... we are usually on the couch and chair respectively tapping away on our laptops doing work in evening/weekends.  I even love how it looks like her hand is inching towards the mouse while intently looking at the screen.

The rest of weekend was low-key with a delicious Sunday dinner at Al and Jon's.  Please post the recipe for your beef enchiladas Al because I'm still thinking about the sauce on top... amazing!  Fortunately both Ryan and I were off on Monday so we were able to tag-team child and get some stuff done.  I had to bake for work and had timed it with Maeve's afternoon nap.. smart thinking right.  Well little Miss Maeve wasn't in the mood to nap so woke up mid-stirring with a chocolate sauce on the stove.  Fortunately, my running up the stairs and improved quickness in diaper changing meant no burnt sauce.   So Maeve was my little helper in the kitchen.  I put some music on and showed off some of my poor dancing/singing skills for her enjoyment.

I gave her a spoon to play with.  Here she was examining her new toy before jamming it in her mouth.  It didn't take to long before she put the long end in and gagged herself.

I'm loving these short weeks and Grandma comes into town today in anticipation for cousin Mary Beth's shower this weekend at the house.  On a parting note, here is a pic from this morning.  I LOVE how she crosses her hands immediately after you stick the bottle in her mouth.  She lacks any desire to hold her own bottle, so very content just to let you feed her... I'm pretty sure she gets this from her father

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