Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Grandma's Visit

Appropriately titled Grandma's visit, yet I have no pictures of Maeve & Grandma.  Mom came in on Thursday for the weekend to throw cousin Mary Beth a shower at the house.  Bonus for us that she was staying with us so Ryan and I went out for drinks/apps after work on Friday and to the Sabres game...score!  The shower went great and Maeve enjoyed all of the attention.  She would just smile and coo at everyone.  I was certainly reaffirmed that day, that yes, Maeve does mildly resemble me.  It's tough to tell in pictures, but her hair is definitely not my color so here's hoping it comes in just like her Daddy's! 


The shower went great. Mary Beth got lots of beautiful things and all I could think about that night was how nice it would be to have new bath towels.  Mom left Sunday morning and the rest of the day was very low key with lots of lounging and laundry. Uncle Brendon came over by for a visit and Maeve was doing a great job of interrupting their hockey video game session by babbling LOUDLY on the floor.  We've been continuing the solid foods and our girl loves to eat... yes, another quality of mine!  Last night we've continued with attempt #2 of bananas, but if she does go #2 today then I'm holding off for a bit before we try again.  So far, she hasn't found a food she dislikes.

Feed me Seymour!

And here is our little chunky monkey "thickening" up.  We head to doctor's appt tonight so I'll update with 6 month stats.

Have a great day!

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