Monday, May 28, 2012

Long/Fast Weekend

It's been a great weekend.  Friday night we got to hang out at Kyle and Kassi's to see baby Will, who is a week old.  It blows my mind how fast times flies.  Maeve is about 3x's the size of Will at 9 months old.  Saturday we headed out to Rochester for my cousin Mary Beth's wedding.  Maeve had a sleepover with Nana & Papa Daley.  The wedding was beautiful, weather perfect, and fun night with the Wallace clan.  We've had some good and bad excuses to see each other lately, but overall it's been wonderful to catch up with everyone.  Her report from Nana and Papa was great. They got to go to Jack's birthday party and see all the kids, which must of tired her out because she slept until almost 8am.  Ryan and I were exhausted from our late night partying in Rochester on Sunday so we took it easy, had a mini play date with nieces Lily & Lauren and grabbed some wings at Bar Bill in evening.  Maeve had plenty of people to watch, motorcycles to hear driving by, and puffs throughout evening so we got to enjoy ourselves on the patio.  Hope you had a nice weekend! 

Here is Maeve before school Friday, where Ryan styled her hair into a mini-mohawk.  I'm still guessing what her hair is going to be like.  It seems pretty straight most of the time, but post-tub and in the morning she can get some weird bed-head hair with random pieces/curls sticking straight up. Love her silly face.

Completely oblivious to the puff stuck to her chin.  She's becoming quite the eater.  We're still giving her mostly baby food, but lately she's been eating some frozen strawberries, shredded cheese, guacamole, and hummus.  She doesn't refuse food.

So I had a baby shower at work last summer and my super-crafty girlfriend Stephanie, made me two adorable onesies with "MTB" and a green flag for our "Raise the Green Flag" campaign.  Maeve's finally moving into 9 month clothes and she looks great. 

Maeve's been getting alittle more adventurous as well with moving around.  She's walking along furniture and even took some steps forward with the lion.  Anytime she wants to leave the furniture to cross room, she'll fall on her bum to crawl, but I don't see walking being too far off in future. 

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