Sunday, September 30, 2012

She's Biting

So in a matter of a few short hours, my happiness for the weekend/Friday was cut short.  I picked up Maeve from school and as soon as I walked in one of her teachers informed me that there was an "incident".  I quickly assumed she fell or something, but unfortunately was wrong.  She bite a boy... in the face... and he bled... ugh how do I even respond to that?  I was shocked and upset.  How could this sweet, adorable girl bite someone with enough power to make him bleed?  After I was reassured that the little boy was fine and his parents were ok, I finally took a breath.  Of course all I'm thinking about is if there was something I could have done to stop it from happening as she did bite me for the first time last week, in my knee, but hasn't done it since.  She was pissed at me because I wouldn't pick her up but I didn't think more of it.  I just assumed it was just frustration at not being able to communicate and that her teeth are just driving her crazy since they are breaking through the skin.  Any advice, please post a comment and let me know.  I'll have to keep my eyes peeled tomorrow for any scars and/or war wounds on any of the boys.

Rest of weekend was great.  I got some cleaning and prep done for a couples baby shower at our house on Friday for Tim & Courtney.  I'm so excited to celebrate Baby Loehfelm and am testing out a couple new ideas for the shower.  Ryan and I also got a night out on Saturday.  As a treat for our birthdays, Maeve had a sleep-over at Nana and Papa Daleys.  Ryan and I went to Mike A's Steakhouse in the Hotel Lafayette.   We haven't been out in awhile so we kind of went crazy.  They have an Omakase option, which is a 10 course tasting menu.  Ryan was very interested and the whole table would have to do it so I said ok and 3 hours later we were absolutely stuffed and almost asleep at the table.  Thank god for the coffee or we might have gotten a hotel room just to sleep off the food coma.  Overall opinion on restaurant was good.  I thought everything was interesting and original... they are not playing it safe.  I tried a ton of flavors that seemed so strange on paper but did meld together well.  The only thing I didn't finish was the foie gras.  It was way too rich and I just couldn't get past the cold, thick texture.  My palate is just not refined enough I guess.  It was just was too much food.  Next time, I'm going to just stick to a wedge salad and a steak.  It was a great night out and we slept in until almost 7:30am.  Of course, Maeve slept in at Nana & Papa's until 9am.   

Friday, September 28, 2012


I'm extra excited it's Friday this week.  I made two trips to NYC this week (Monday and again on Thursday) for some "quick" in and out meetings that I had to present at.  Now my actual presenting was all of 15 minutes on each day, but through in the flight time, time at airports, and ~1 hr cabs rides back and forth from airport to Midtown and I'm spent and ready for relaxing at home this weekend. 

Couple random thoughts/going ons:

Maeve's teacher, Miss Kim, resigned and her last day was Wednesday.  Kim was her main teacher and has been at the school for the past 8 years and been with Maeve since she started.  I'm curious how the adjustment will go, hoping it won't even impact Maeve in the least.  She keeps her other teacher, Miss Jill, and her new teacher is Miss Ashley. Ashley isn't new to the school and fortunately knows Maeve well so hopefully a smooth transition.

Speaking of our girl, she's in a bit of a transition herself.  She's getting more teeth and it's really bothering her now.  She's been sleeping less and just needing to chew everything.  I hope they come in quick.    We've been getting lots of comments on her hair too lately.  It's certainly thickening up and she may be sporting a bit of a mullet.  I get more comments regarding the color more than anything.  The girl does look a bit like me, but then has this light hair, almost perfectly matching Ryan's color now.  Ryan had much lighter, almost white/blond hair when he was little and it's darkened over time.  My hair has always been medium brown since birth.  She's also been starting to get alittle more independent.  Bedtime routine includes a tub, pj's, bottle, blanket/pacifier, and bed.  She'll hold her own bottle now, while sitting on either Ryan's or my lap's while we snuggle up before putting her down.  The other day she almost broke my heart by jumping off my lap, taking her bottle and blanket to the floor right in front of Ryan and I and drinking bottle herself.  Kids do grow up too fast.

Here was post nap... I think I should start building up my detangler supply.  She's a big eye rubber when she's tired and waking up... so cute!

Here she is enjoying her bottle sans Mom or Dad... Miss Independent

We interrupted our normal week with a very cute outfit.  Maeve is slowly transitioning to 12-18 month clothes.  For Miss Kim's last day I thought I get her dolled up in something nice.  Jenn and Greg (note:Jenn) got her the most adorable outfit, complete with tights that are different prints for each leg.  Since I do the dressing, she typically rocks some jeans or leggings for school/comfy fare... nothing fancy as they are always doing something active outside or with paint.  She killed it that day.  I probably should have done it on Thursday as that's the day she is the ONLY girl in the classroom. 
Happy Friday to you all!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

PIVO 2012

So Pivo = Beer in Croatia.  Pivo Point was our Canadian destination with the Vukelics and Daleys... I'm sure you can imagine why I like this place, but it's tough to describe how amazing this vacation/place is.  It's simply one of the most relaxing places I've been to, not in a massage type relaxation, more like a sleep sounder and laugh louder type of relaxation (could be due to the beer).  We missed out last year because I was about 39 weeks pregnant and I couldn't convince my doctor not to worry...that we'd certainly make it back to the US in time if I went into labor... It's only 4 hours away... pretty pretty please.  However, we weren't missing out this year.  Our three car caravan took off early in the morning on Maeve's actually birthday, the day after the party.  Before we hit the Peace Bridge, our phones went off... no emails, phone calls, or texts for 5 days!

Our little cutie, even doing labels out like her dad.

 Watch out boys... Mara is a beauty! Love this picture

Best part of vacation is bath time was outdoors in a pool

Daddy and his girl

Ryan's work of art.  Only takes some food in the hair from lunch and alittle sunscreen... voila.  Mohawk City

She looks like Cameron Diaz in There's Something About Mary 

Our recent annual Scavenger Hunt.  So once Jack and the girls got to be alittle older, we decided to do scavenger hunts around the house, water, beach, dock.  Ryan and I come up with the clues and at the end they have alittle bag of treats.  It's fun for us and them.  Now that they are getting older, it's getting tougher to come up with new and funny places to hide, but they all still seem to get into it so we'll keep it up as long as they ask for it!  Here is Ryan helping Lauren and Mara with their clues.  All the girls had cute matching hoodies.

Drew enjoying his bag of treats -even Evan and him solved two clues!

All of the kids!  So funny the girls to the left, the boys to the right.  I don't think it will be too far off that Maeve will try to tag along with Evan and Drew

Life is good
 Taking a rest

Labels out!  She takes after her dad.  

Summer 2012 is over.... hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did!

Maeve's 1st Birthday

So Maeve is 1!  We had her party at our house with just some family and close friends.  We were leaving the next day early for vacation so didn't want to go crazy and plus she's only 1 so I doubt she'll remember this when she's older.  It was a fun night for us to have everyone over though and hang out.  The smartest idea I had was to ask my friend Mandi to come over and capture the day for us.  She is an amazing photographer and it was one less thing I had to do so I could just take every moment in and not have to worry.  I'm booking her for the next 17 years if she's available! 

The theme was "Sweet Shoppe".  I saw the idea on a blog and loved the rainbow theme.  Maeve isn't really partial to any thing yet and I'm not a pink/purple girly girl so thought this was appropriate and fun! The sweet shoppe was intended for gift bags for all of our guests and I was pretty happy with how easy it was to pull together.  

At the beginning of the party, I'm not sure she knew what was going on... lots of people and excitement and lots of attention!

 It didn't take long after some of her friends arrived that she was warming up.  Here she is with Will.  Hard to believe they are 9 months apart.  No worries as Will is likely to be at least a foot taller than her someday!

 Lily & Ellie - such beautiful older cousins!

Loving her car!

 Tyler is here!

It's cupcake time!  

Ok this feels funny, but doesn't taste too bad!

 I'll check with Dad to see if he likes it first!

Yep, sugar rocks!  More please!

The boys (Drew & Evan) being silly in the window!

 Kane showing off his green tongue from a ring pop!

All of the kids together for a picture
(From Left - Right: Kane, Drew, Ellie, Maeve, Evan, Brady, Lily, Mara, Lauren, Tyler, Luke, and Aidan)

Looks like Luke enjoyed the Sweet Shoppe!

Aunt Liz with Lauren and Mara, a beautiful picture!

Will with his amazing blue eyes and rocking his Canisius High School shirt... he does look good in blue & gold!

 Cool Brady in his shades

Our sweet girl!  Thank you to all of our friends and family who answered our questions, listened to us gush, and helped us survive the past 12 months.  It's been an amazing year and we are so blessed!  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wallace Family Vacation: Bethany Beach, Delaware

 Isla batting her lashes

 Sawyer enjoying playing in the grass with cousins

 You see any resemblance??

 Alexa and Sawyer getting along great!
 Aunt Michelle spoiling Maeve at the beach

 Look at those chompers breaking through

 Miss Lauren looking so pretty in her dress

The boys watching those waves 

The best one I had and we are missing Sawyer.  Kid pic attempt #1 = failure. 

Grandma & Grandpa with the boys 

Grandma with her boys, love Aidan's look! 

 Grandma & Grandpa with the King ladies

 Grandma & Grandpa with Maeve, yep she's crying...
and no, I'm not ignoring the Harris girls.  Let's just leave it that they were uncooperative that day with pictures.
 Julie and her girls!

Jennifer and her boys! 

Grandma and Isla walking it off

Mass Chaos at Bethany Beach 

Daddy and Maeve pool time


 Pretty Miss Maggie taking a rest

Look at those curls and hair color! 

 Ryan surrounded by the ladies

Me and my girl!  What a ham! 

Bathing Diva 

The younger ones pre-scavenger hunt 

The older ones pre-scavenger hunt 

Mid-scavenger hunt 

 A couple funny ones from the trip.  Attempt #2 = mild success

 The girls spoiling Maeve with attention!

 Daddy and Maeve at the beach

A perfect vacation! :)