Saturday, September 22, 2012

PIVO 2012

So Pivo = Beer in Croatia.  Pivo Point was our Canadian destination with the Vukelics and Daleys... I'm sure you can imagine why I like this place, but it's tough to describe how amazing this vacation/place is.  It's simply one of the most relaxing places I've been to, not in a massage type relaxation, more like a sleep sounder and laugh louder type of relaxation (could be due to the beer).  We missed out last year because I was about 39 weeks pregnant and I couldn't convince my doctor not to worry...that we'd certainly make it back to the US in time if I went into labor... It's only 4 hours away... pretty pretty please.  However, we weren't missing out this year.  Our three car caravan took off early in the morning on Maeve's actually birthday, the day after the party.  Before we hit the Peace Bridge, our phones went off... no emails, phone calls, or texts for 5 days!

Our little cutie, even doing labels out like her dad.

 Watch out boys... Mara is a beauty! Love this picture

Best part of vacation is bath time was outdoors in a pool

Daddy and his girl

Ryan's work of art.  Only takes some food in the hair from lunch and alittle sunscreen... voila.  Mohawk City

She looks like Cameron Diaz in There's Something About Mary 

Our recent annual Scavenger Hunt.  So once Jack and the girls got to be alittle older, we decided to do scavenger hunts around the house, water, beach, dock.  Ryan and I come up with the clues and at the end they have alittle bag of treats.  It's fun for us and them.  Now that they are getting older, it's getting tougher to come up with new and funny places to hide, but they all still seem to get into it so we'll keep it up as long as they ask for it!  Here is Ryan helping Lauren and Mara with their clues.  All the girls had cute matching hoodies.

Drew enjoying his bag of treats -even Evan and him solved two clues!

All of the kids!  So funny the girls to the left, the boys to the right.  I don't think it will be too far off that Maeve will try to tag along with Evan and Drew

Life is good
 Taking a rest

Labels out!  She takes after her dad.  

Summer 2012 is over.... hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did!

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