Tuesday, September 18, 2012

yikes... where to begin?

So it's been a really long time, a REALLY long time.  Can't say I have any excuses besides work at work, work at home, chasing a mobile 1 year old, throw in a couple of trips out of town, and any free time being taken up with trying to plow through the six month supply of magazines on my nightstand.  So I'll make the attempt of updating what's been going on.

So after we got home from Delaware, I transitioned to a new role at work and had a quick trip to Philadelphia.  It was only 1 night away, but it was the first time in a long time that I stayed in a hotel room by myself.  It was strangely nice to shower and get ready in the morning without rushing.  Plus I got to go the Phillies baseball game and enjoy an evening out among adults.  This mini-independence transitioned nicely into my upcoming girls trip to Hilton Head.

Now this was my 3rd (or 4th?) trip down to Hilton Head with my sister-in-laws and a handful of amazing ladies.  It's become an annual trip but I won't include any details, but just know it was 4 amazing days of sun, fun, and drinks. It was a perfectly relaxing break.  Yes - Ryan was Father of the Month in August.  He got to spend plenty of quality time with his girl and provide me a mini-break.  I was excited to get back and of course missed them both, but mentally it was a wonderful break from reality.  They don't happen often, but that's why you can enjoy them so much!

Little Miss Maeve also turned 1 not long after I got back.  We had a small party with just family and a couple close friends on the Friday before her birthday.  I decided to do a candy bar/sweet shoppe theme for my sweet little girl.  I didn't want to go crazy, but thought this would be really easy.  I bought a bunch of candy from BJ's and ordered cupcakes from the Cupcake Orchard in Orchard Park...  Dessert and favors done.  I ordered food and Michelle came over to assist in all last minute prep.  I can't thank her enough.  Now for the actual party, Maeve didn't get much of what was going on but loved having lots of people to play with and certainly enjoyed her first cupcake treat.

The next morning after the party, we loaded into our car and headed up to Canada for another mini-vacation with the Vukelics and Daleys.  This is an annual event that Ryan and I both look forward to so much.  It's a paradise... as soon as we cross the border, our phones turn off and we spend 4-5 days with no internet or phone and just peace and quiet... well as much quiet as 8 children in one house will allow!  Maeve did pretty great in the car and was a sleeping like a champ, 2 naps a day and 10 - 11 hours a night.  Either we all just tired her out or she just needed some clean fresh air.

Since we got back from Canada, we've just fallen back into the work routine.  Both Ryan and I have been very busy and balancing the routine.  Maeve's been getting so big.  She's officially a little person to me.  I savor the limited times she'll snuggle.  She's really too big to be held in my arms laying down, but she'll still rest her head on my shoulder and lounge in my lap, which will do.  She's talking/babbling all the time.  I've heard Daddy, Mommy, This, and That.  It sounds silly but I'll mention something or give her a book or something and she'll hold it and say "This?" almost like she asking if that's what I meant.  She's walking and climbing everywhere.  I'm ready to move her adorable rocking chair into the basement as she climbs up on it and stands all the time.  We are working on making her sit, but even in the tub she just loves to stand and check everything out.  She loves to get up on the couch and run along it, sometimes bouncing off of the cushions.  Teeth #5- 8 are all popped through, which could explain her recent crying in the middle of the night.  She'll usually fall back asleep, but has had a couple of nights where she's up and won't go back into her crib or needs to be held.  We are so lucky that she's a good sleeper so these nights, while not often, are exhausting.  We just got back from her 1 year appointment and she's perfectly average in height and weight, 50th - 60th percentiles.  She had to get three shots and you can tell how different the 12 month appointment is from even 9 month.  She knows what's going on and isn't afraid to let loose.  The shots are probably the worse 3 seconds in my life.  I know the nurses need the help, but holding your kid's arms down so she can get pricked with needles is downright cruel to me.  No wonder Ryan never volunteers!  She still fits fine in all 12 months clothes, 12 - 18 month is just alittle too big.  Our big girl has fully transitioned to whole milk and is really only eating non-baby food.  Her favorites include: blueberries, cheese, ravioli's, yogurt, sweet potatos, buttered toast and macaroni and cheese. She tried eggplant one night and just loved it, which blew my mind.  It's funny how tastes change... one day she loves something, one day she's spitting it out all over the place.  As far as toys, she loves exploring through the cabinet with all of the tupperware and LOVES to read her books.  Her favorites include Happy Hippo, Angry Duck and some short books on Ring Around the Rosie and Humpty Dumpty.  Aunt Michelle taught her to do "So Big" so she's certainly getting more active and entertaining.

I just downloaded almost 600 pictures from the past 2 months so pictures to come...

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