Friday, September 28, 2012


I'm extra excited it's Friday this week.  I made two trips to NYC this week (Monday and again on Thursday) for some "quick" in and out meetings that I had to present at.  Now my actual presenting was all of 15 minutes on each day, but through in the flight time, time at airports, and ~1 hr cabs rides back and forth from airport to Midtown and I'm spent and ready for relaxing at home this weekend. 

Couple random thoughts/going ons:

Maeve's teacher, Miss Kim, resigned and her last day was Wednesday.  Kim was her main teacher and has been at the school for the past 8 years and been with Maeve since she started.  I'm curious how the adjustment will go, hoping it won't even impact Maeve in the least.  She keeps her other teacher, Miss Jill, and her new teacher is Miss Ashley. Ashley isn't new to the school and fortunately knows Maeve well so hopefully a smooth transition.

Speaking of our girl, she's in a bit of a transition herself.  She's getting more teeth and it's really bothering her now.  She's been sleeping less and just needing to chew everything.  I hope they come in quick.    We've been getting lots of comments on her hair too lately.  It's certainly thickening up and she may be sporting a bit of a mullet.  I get more comments regarding the color more than anything.  The girl does look a bit like me, but then has this light hair, almost perfectly matching Ryan's color now.  Ryan had much lighter, almost white/blond hair when he was little and it's darkened over time.  My hair has always been medium brown since birth.  She's also been starting to get alittle more independent.  Bedtime routine includes a tub, pj's, bottle, blanket/pacifier, and bed.  She'll hold her own bottle now, while sitting on either Ryan's or my lap's while we snuggle up before putting her down.  The other day she almost broke my heart by jumping off my lap, taking her bottle and blanket to the floor right in front of Ryan and I and drinking bottle herself.  Kids do grow up too fast.

Here was post nap... I think I should start building up my detangler supply.  She's a big eye rubber when she's tired and waking up... so cute!

Here she is enjoying her bottle sans Mom or Dad... Miss Independent

We interrupted our normal week with a very cute outfit.  Maeve is slowly transitioning to 12-18 month clothes.  For Miss Kim's last day I thought I get her dolled up in something nice.  Jenn and Greg (note:Jenn) got her the most adorable outfit, complete with tights that are different prints for each leg.  Since I do the dressing, she typically rocks some jeans or leggings for school/comfy fare... nothing fancy as they are always doing something active outside or with paint.  She killed it that day.  I probably should have done it on Thursday as that's the day she is the ONLY girl in the classroom. 
Happy Friday to you all!

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