Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Last week was a typical week, flying by quick as can be.  I was only in the office beginning of week so trying to cram more in than usual as I flew in and out of NYC on Thursday for some meetings, then ran back to the airport Friday morning for a mini vacation to Chicago for Maeve and I. 

I planned it a couple of weeks ago when I realized Ryan was going to be in Burlington for Magic Hat Mardi Gras weekend.  Maeve really does talk about Isla ALL OF THE TIME so figured let's get the cousins together.  Mark ended up having a marathon that weekend in Arkansas so we only got to see him for a night, but it ended up being a perfect low-key weekend.  The girls were pretty good playing together.  Erin picked them up early from school on Friday as Sawyer made her promise to be there right when she woke up from her nap.  Much of the weekend revolved around tearing apart their play room... bouncing between the easel, the kitchen, books, blocks, etc.  Maeve loved all of the different toys and I think Sawyer and Isla loved having a new person to attend to.  They both loved being "big sisters" and re-enforcing all disciplining that I was doing. 

We made a special trip to the library on Saturday morning for story time.  Maeve didn't last long and then I think Isla and Sawyer wanted to know where Maeve went because they were right behind us.  We got to play with trains and books before both Maeve and Isla pooped and we realized neither of us brought diapers so trip was cut short.  After naps we went for some frozen yogurt and a quick trip to the toy store.  It really was a perfect weekend besides Maeve not adjusting to the time change and getting up around 5:30am both days... Just wish we could of stayed longer. 

I should dedicate a whole post to flying with a toddler but I'm purposely avoiding so I don't have to re-live it.  Maeve was by no means awful, but you never realize just how small the seats are on planes until you've got a toddler to contain.  On the way there it just worked out that she was ready to eat so we spent most of the time eating snacks and reading books.  Flights weren't full so we had an empty seat next to us... thank god or I would have lost it.  Maeve fell asleep in the car on the way to the airport on our way home on Sunday so I was hoping she would stay asleep on me or would easily get back to sleep once we got through security, but no luck.  She was way to interested in all of the people and the light switch above, and then safety brochure, and sticking her fingers in my mouth than in taking a nap.  She fell asleep before we hit the 90 driving home. 

Other than our trip, Maeve's vocabulary has been growing.  Recent new words include: yellow, purple, turtle, owl, uh oh.  We aren't sure exactly what she's saying but she repeats that same phrase multiple times a day and my guesses include "ice your bum", "on a bun", or "eyes or bum".  I gave her a peanut M&M the other day and those were a big hit.  She's been all about tea parties and her baby dolls lately.  On the downside, she's still biting (mainly me when she's pissed), hitting, and now pinching.  It appears to be mainly when she's frustrated or pissed at us because we've said no or done something she didn't like.  She had a mini meltdown tonight because Ryan snapped her buckle in her highchair instead of letting her do it herself.  I'm completely loving her independence, but would love for the biting/hitting/pinching to stop.  Little does she know, but I'm going to start phasing out her binkie soon so just one more thing to really piss her off:)

I took a ton of pics in Chicago but too tired to upload tonight so please bear with me... I promise they will come soon!

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