Thursday, March 1, 2012

6 Month Update

We were at the doctor's on Tuesday for 6 month check-up.  Poor thing had to get 3 shots this time and she was alittle out of sorts the next day, but back to normal now.  Besides the usual status update, we found out that Miss Maeve is getting her 1st tooth!  On the bottom and it hasn't broken skin yet, but the doctor pointed it out so we'll keep watching.  Maeve is up to 15lbs, 14oz and about 26" tall (46th and 56th percentile respectively) so average all around.  She is sitting up all the time now, not completely unassisted, but really good!  She has now found out the her jumperoo is awesome and she can jump on her own... it's so fun to watch!  She still continues to be so smiley and overall happy.  She really only gets upset when you try to burp her in the midst of bottle or when you get up off the floor from playing with her/walk out of the room and leave her behind.  I'm pretty sure she's already used to and enjoying the constant attention that Ryan and I provide.

Food is certainly getting more interesting.  She's still eating about 3 - 4 large bottles a day and eating solids once, but I just haven't stocked up yet to bring food to daycare so we'll start a solid food feeding there next week.  She pretty much licks her bowl clean every time.   She's pretty much fully in 6 month clothing as most 3-6 month clothes are getting too tight.  I wouldn't say she's very tall, but it's more the length than width that doesn't work for many of the clothes. 

On a side note, I had an amazing dinner last night with my MTB ladies at Left Bank.  Great catching up and love all the conversations!  Most of you know my love for food (oh that's where Maeve gets it from!) and obviously Left Bank is amazing, but Wednesdays they do Asian themed and it was a fun twist.  We split a fococcia pizza topped wtih duck confit meatballs and an Asian demi-glace sauce and I had a noodle bowl with shrimp and veggies in a brown curry sauce.  Between the food and the beer I was stuffed! 

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