Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend Chaos

This was no typical weekend...
Tim & Courtney came into town from Denver for their godson's baptism so Friday night Greg & Jenn threw a party at their house.  Fortunately, Michelle had been so wonderful to do a sleepover with Maeve at her house so Ryan and I could get a night out, but more for potential to sleep in on Saturday.  Party was so fun (as usual at the Finnerty's) and so much more relaxing just knowing I didn't have to anticipate a 6am wake-up. So of course I stay out until 2:30am and wake up by 8am, but it was still wonderfully, deep sleep.  Maeve did great at Michelle's so let's hope her ability to sleep all places like me continues.  On a side note, they ordered pizza from Picasso's and it was quite tasty that I'll be mixing it up soon from our usual Edies/Nino's pizza runs.

Little Miss sitting up and checking out her playyard from a new angle

Oh there's the camera... Smile!

Oops, someone had to go #2 right after.  Maeve will probably want to disown me as a teenager for sharing this, but shit happens...

Saturday we got alittle more time with Tim & Courtney at the baptism party with all of the Loehfelms.  So fun and it reiterated my belief that Pintrest is taking over the world.  All the food served were recipes found on Pintrest.  Lots of good ideas - like that cakepops are amazing! 

Sunday was gorgeous out and we took a family walk with Kyle, Kassi, and Rudy (their dog) up at Chestnut Ridge and then we headed over the Heather & Matt's to drop off Evan's late 2nd birthday present.  We were only about 1 1/2 weeks late.  Look at Mara feeding Maeve!  She really is getting so big and mature for an almost 5 year old - She did a great job!

We were planning on one more stop to Courtney's parents house but the whole family lost momentum.  Can you see Ryan in the picture?  About 10 minutes later he was on Heather's couch under blanket.  Two late nights in a row makes for a very tired Ryan.  So back to our house to chill.  After Maeve's nap we had a little fashion show in preparation for our trip to Florida next week. 

As you can see, fashion show got old pretty quick, but she does look adorable.  The last two dresses were alittle big so hoping we can wear them in the upcoming months.  The green one might be her Easter dress in April... so cute!

On a food note, I was combing Wegmans aisles last weekend and found this...
Alittle pricey at $4.99 (I think), but Ryan and I are both huge fans of roasted butternut squash so figured I'd give it a try.  I made it last night with mini raviolis and it was yummy!  Garlicky and delicious.  I will be purchasing again. 

So the weekend flew by and I'm hoping the week does too...

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