Monday, May 28, 2012

Long/Fast Weekend

It's been a great weekend.  Friday night we got to hang out at Kyle and Kassi's to see baby Will, who is a week old.  It blows my mind how fast times flies.  Maeve is about 3x's the size of Will at 9 months old.  Saturday we headed out to Rochester for my cousin Mary Beth's wedding.  Maeve had a sleepover with Nana & Papa Daley.  The wedding was beautiful, weather perfect, and fun night with the Wallace clan.  We've had some good and bad excuses to see each other lately, but overall it's been wonderful to catch up with everyone.  Her report from Nana and Papa was great. They got to go to Jack's birthday party and see all the kids, which must of tired her out because she slept until almost 8am.  Ryan and I were exhausted from our late night partying in Rochester on Sunday so we took it easy, had a mini play date with nieces Lily & Lauren and grabbed some wings at Bar Bill in evening.  Maeve had plenty of people to watch, motorcycles to hear driving by, and puffs throughout evening so we got to enjoy ourselves on the patio.  Hope you had a nice weekend! 

Here is Maeve before school Friday, where Ryan styled her hair into a mini-mohawk.  I'm still guessing what her hair is going to be like.  It seems pretty straight most of the time, but post-tub and in the morning she can get some weird bed-head hair with random pieces/curls sticking straight up. Love her silly face.

Completely oblivious to the puff stuck to her chin.  She's becoming quite the eater.  We're still giving her mostly baby food, but lately she's been eating some frozen strawberries, shredded cheese, guacamole, and hummus.  She doesn't refuse food.

So I had a baby shower at work last summer and my super-crafty girlfriend Stephanie, made me two adorable onesies with "MTB" and a green flag for our "Raise the Green Flag" campaign.  Maeve's finally moving into 9 month clothes and she looks great. 

Maeve's been getting alittle more adventurous as well with moving around.  She's walking along furniture and even took some steps forward with the lion.  Anytime she wants to leave the furniture to cross room, she'll fall on her bum to crawl, but I don't see walking being too far off in future. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Daycare Update

It is alittle tough to read, but this was from Maeve's school notebook, which marks down her feedings, naps, activities, etc.  Look at 2nd line down:
"12:10 cereal w/green beans & rice
** 1/4 eaten - 1st time I have seen her not love something?
ate full jar of apples & blueberries instead :)"

I just love this summery outfit.  It looked so cute on her, even with a pissy face.

Fresh Corn and Avocado Salad Recipe

This serves 3-4 people as a side

3 ears of corn
1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1/4 cup red onion, thinly sliced
1 avocado, cubed
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped
1 tbsp Champagne vinegar
1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/8 tsp kosher salt
1/8 tsp freshly ground pepper

The Champagne vinegar really makes this dish so I wouldn't use something else if you don't have it on hand.

In large pot of boiling water, cook corn until warmed through about 3 - 5 minutes. Rinse with cold water until cool.  Combine tomatoes, onion, avocado, and basil in a large bowl.  In a small bowl, combine remaining ingredients to make vinegarette, whisking until blended.  Cut off corn kernals and add to salad.  Combine all gently.  Can chill if not serving immediately, but don't wait too long so avocados stay green.  Enjoy!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Not much to show for productive weekend...

So I didn't take many pictures this weekend, but that's because we were so productive.  Beautiful weather and a list of chores was actually perfect.  I saw my first fresh corn on the cob last week at the grocery store so I had to make my absolute favorite side dish of the summer with some Chiavetta's chicken. 
It's fresh corn off the cob, red onion, tomatos, and avocados with basil and in a champagne vinergarette.  There were alot of avocados eaten this week as you can tell. The rest of the weekend included some walks outside, golf and yardwork for Ryan, errands, laundry, and cleaning for me.  Ryan and I grabbed dinner at La Tee Da restaurant on Allen on Saturday night.  They have an amazing back patio that is tucked away and I never knew was there.  Food was average, nothing bad, but nothing great.  They specialize in Italian and we focused more on specials.  I'll certainly go back for the ambiance and next time stick to Italian.  They did serve their fresh bread with a delicious garlic butter, with HUGE chunks of garlic, which were yummy. 

So you'll see the recurring trend of laundry.  Weekends are my time for laundry and/or folding clothes.  Fortunately, it's a great thing to do Saturday mornings while Maeve's relaxing after waking up.  Here she was just mesmerized by watching the washer and dryer. Even when she's playing, I'll catch her just watching for a minute or two before resuming play.  We're also working on the bottle to cup transition and she's doing ok.  She's great when she's horizontal, but can't get that she has to lift it higher when she's in her booster seat.  

Sunday was more of the same, plus a visit from Uncle Brendon and cousin Drew, as well as Nana & Papa later on. We did have first grilled steaks of the season so I tried out Paula Deen's Broccoli Salad recipe.  It was pretty good, not really healthy with mayo and bacon and cheese, but it was nice to mix it up from our staple of steamed broccoli. 

Looking forward to the week flying by since long weekend next week.  Here was Maeve before school this morning.  Showing alittle leg in a cute one piece outfit. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Growing and Growing...

So we don't go for Maeve's 9 month appointment for another 2 weeks, but our girl is growing leaps and bounds.  Here she is testing out her new car seat.  We have another one due to arrive today so she'll be moving up this weekend.  She'll be next to a window and higher up, which should satisfy her nosiness during car rides, rather than my terrible singing skills.  Which still work to settle her cries, shockingly.

Random egg sandwich we had for dinner.  Found the recipe in Cooking Light this month and it was a hit and only took 15 mins from start to finish.  I toasted fococchia bread and layered with mayo, spinach, tomato, dash of salt & pepper, bacon and a sunny side up egg.  You have to eat with a fork and knive, but it was good.

Maeve's hair is also starting to grow more so I thought I'd try out some of the bows she got from Aunt Kerry.  We've got alittle ways to go as her hair is still pretty thin, but I thought it looked cute... she may not have agreed.
 Maeve is also completely pulling herself up on things.  Now that the family room is complete, she's noticing the tv more and loves to push the buttons on the box.  I took this photo this morning.  I first popped her collar because I wanted to see how long it would take Ryan to notice and put it back down (all of 2 mins!) and then she was just doing funny faces.  It's Derek Zoolander! 

Enjoy your Friday!

Mother's Day Weekend

My first official Mother's Day weekend as a mother was very similar to every other weekend... busy, busy, busy. Started off by leaving work and heading to Maeve's school for Mother's Day Tea.  Obviously in the baby room, they can't sing a song or do much, but it was nice to meet some of the other parents and Maeve enjoyed me sticking around for more than 5 minutes to play at her school with her.  Here she is standing at a balance bar in front of a mirrow...girl loves to look at herself.  After tea, we rant to OP to drop of Maeve for a sleep-over with Aunt Sue as we had my cousin Kate's wedding.  Fun wedding and always good to catch up with the Wallace aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Plus my parents were in town so bonus for us.  Wedding was at Avanti Manor in the new building and I was pretty impressed with the food.  My chicken was delicious.  Off topic, but Alicia and I both noticed that the appetizers were large in size so very tough to eat, especially in a dress in front of people.  Note to self, easy to eat and truly bite-size are best.  The apps were good though, especially some BLT bruschetta thing that I need to try to recreate!

  Saturday we had my cousins' Max & Maggie's First Communion, which was spent catching up with the Griffin aunts, uncles, and cousins.  I get how Ryan can sometimes get overwhelmed with so many people, but this is all I've known and I love it. We took it easy rest of the day so that means naps, playtime, and laundry. 

Maeve ready to head home after falling asleep at the party and post-nap crawling to Daddy on the floor
 Getting into the laundry basket...The girl loves to unfold and throw everything out.  Ryan enjoyed seeing me squirm after all of my folding went to waste. 

Enjoying her new ride from the Aunt Heather. 

So on Mother's Day I was greeted with Maeve sleeping in an extra hour until 7:30... amazing!  However, I was still up at 6:30 waiting and waiting and not falling back asleep.  Ryan was doing some running around the day before so I knew he was up to something and I was greeted with this adorable picture.  He took Maeve to Heather's to use her chalkboard and had our nieces Mara & Lauren do the writing to keep it authentic.  Turned out perfect so I've got a new picture for my office at work.  The lighting must have been funny in the basement as her hair looks very RED and every one at work comments about it, but it's really not red, more dirty blond. 
We then headed to see both of our Mom's, coffee with the Daleys and brunch with the Wallaces.  I have a ton of cute pics from brunch on my camera so will add those soon.  We ended the day with some homemade guacamole and chicken enchiladas... yum!  I normally don't make homemade guac, but it tastes so much better than the packages.  The recipe I used had a good amount of garlic, which I love!  So I really couldn't have asked for a better weekend.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our girl is Crawling!

So Miss Maeve has been crawling backwards for about a week so we knew it was only a matter of time before she was fully mobile.  She's been much better about scooting and getting from her belly to sitting up.  We actually lowered her crib on Sunday as we found her sitting upright the one morning.

She found something she likes... it's her pacifier holder and she loves chewing on the metal part, which grosses me out.

Almost there...

Got it...
After that, she was all over the floor and really picked up the forward moving. When I dropped her off at school this morning and showed her teacher, Miss Kim, she noted how quickly she's picked it up.  I've realized that there really is no middle of the road with Maeve, she's 100% yes or 100% no.  If it comes to food or sleep and even crawling.  I'm anticipating some serious battles ahead for me.

Right after Maeve crawled and we cheered for her, Ryan & I looked at each other, realizing at the same time, that once again things will never be the same...

Family Room Remodel

So as some of you may know, our house has been in complete disarray since early April as we were redoing the family room.  Now we knew when buying the house almost 3 years ago, it was pretty much updated with exception of the family room.  It was completely functional, yet out of date so we decided that in the near future we would make the investment. 
Year 1 we added a patio
Year 2 we had a baby
Year 3 we remodeled family room.

Here are the BEFORE pictures:
My biggest issues were the cosmetic beams on the ceiling, detailing above the book shelves, outdated bookshelves and mantle and UGLY carpet.
We were going to redo bookshelves and leave carpet and update that later, but decided to scrap bookshelves as we actually don't need the storage and updated carpet instead. 

I seriously disliked these posts and on a couple days almost knocked them out myself.

Mid-Construction: removed paneling, beams, bookshelves

Removed the posts (Thanks goodness!)

With updated carpet in both the family room and back room to add alittle consistency to flow of downstairs.


So a couple of canned lights were added to assist with brightening up room, removed paneling and added drywall, new fan installed, crown molding and window frames, paint, new carpet, new mantle, and new door to garage.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


So most of the craziness at work for April was a pre-cursor for taking some time off.  On Friday evening, Ryan and I packed up Maeve and loaded the car and took off for beautiful Baltimore for a weekend visit with my parents and just general relaxation.  The Friday evening departure was in hopes of Maeve sleeping almost the entire time in the car and it was a success!  She woke for a pit stop at McDonalds where she was too busy watching everyone around her to eat her bottle, but she did great.

We didn't do too much, alittle shopping, Ryan golfed, and we grabbed dinner Saturday night in Canton.  There was a Pirate Festival going on which was a mix of children/kid friendly events and drunk, dressed up adults in interesting pirate garb.  I guess I get where Maeve's nosiness comes from because my eyes were checking everyone out.  Such fun people watching.  We had dinner at Chazz, which is the newer restuarant opened by the actor Chazz Palminteri.  Food was good, wine was better and company was excellent.  It was wonderful to spend time together. 

Sunday was rainy and cold, but Ryan and I got out of the house (sans baby) for a stop at a great wine bar, Cru, where we actually drank some craft brews and then lunch and a drink at Turk's.  Vacation = drinks = relaxation.  Maeve also benefited from some new toys and lots of attention from Grandma & Grandpa.  Here favorite (by far!) were the classic Fisher Price Maracas.  We actually "borrowed" them since she enjoyed them so much.  She's also wearing a super cute outfit (9 months!) from my friend Niki. 

Here see is enjoying what Ryan calls "the Cadillac of high chairs" that is likely at least 40 years old and still going strong... they don't make them like they used to! 

This trip was the first time I noticed Maeve sucking her thumb.  I'm pretty sure she's got some more teeth on the way as she's drooling more, sleeping less, and alittle more whiney so maybe this is helping.  Ryan used to suck his finger as well so at least we know of one thing she got from him.  Love that smirk... now that is, probably won't like it much in about 16 years.

So our weekend in Baltimore ended Monday as Ryan and I flew off to Bermuda for a couple nights of sun and sleep.  My mom had offered to watch Maeve and we couldn't pass it up.  It was my first time being away from her for more than 1 night so although I didn't sleep much the night before we left, I really was relieved to get the rest and time away with Ryan.  It wouldn't have been as relaxing or easy to travel around with the baby.  We are incrediably lucky to have had the opportunity and think it was good for both Maeve and us.  Per my Mom's updates, Maeve slept great and was perfect.... short and sweet and highly doubtful, but I appreciate her putting us at ease. 

This is what I had staring at me on the car ride to the airport... first so happy and content and then sadness...I was close to tears myself, but held it together and we were on our way to sunny Bermuda. 

Overall review of Bermuda was positive.  Weather was great, everyone was very friendly, and food was pretty good.  It was only a 2 hour direct flight from Baltimore so easy to get to.  We didn't do much: read some books/magazines, went swimming, took naps on the beach, played tennis, and had a couple drinks. 
View from our room

Ryan enjoying the shade after a long day in the sun.  We had stopped at The Frog & Onion for some beers and got two growlers to-go.

This is the only picture of the two of us... enjoying a drink and the sunset pre dinner.  My lower lip is extra fat, swollen from sunburn... rookie mistake.

Back to Baltimore for a quick overnight and we were off on our way home.  Miss Maeve decided not to sleep too much in the car so I spent alot of time singing "Wheels on the Bus" to her.  It's the only song that instantly stops a cry and brings on a smile.  She loves it. 

So not only is she teething, but she is so close to crawling.  She got up on all fours in Baltimore with my mom and has continued to do so.  She now scoots backwards, crossing most of the room.  Mainly she scoots until she hits something that she can pull herself up on.  She wants to stand all the time. 

Maeve's introduction to foods continues as well.  My mom was giving her cold celery and carrots to knaw on and the hard crust of bread.  She's much more adventurous than me.  I bought some Stage 3 foods to test, but it was too thick for her and she gagged herself until she threw up.  We'll try again in a couple weeks. Maeve did enjoy some finely chopped strawberries and some frozen blueberries to chew on in these weird mesh contraptions.  Pictures below.

First the yummy taste of blueberries... but wait, must have gotten some tart juices. 

So we're back in the routine.  Ryan is traveling this week in San Diego and our family room remodel is finally complete as carpet was installed yesterday  Michelle and I got most of furniture back in so pictures to come.