Monday, May 21, 2012

Not much to show for productive weekend...

So I didn't take many pictures this weekend, but that's because we were so productive.  Beautiful weather and a list of chores was actually perfect.  I saw my first fresh corn on the cob last week at the grocery store so I had to make my absolute favorite side dish of the summer with some Chiavetta's chicken. 
It's fresh corn off the cob, red onion, tomatos, and avocados with basil and in a champagne vinergarette.  There were alot of avocados eaten this week as you can tell. The rest of the weekend included some walks outside, golf and yardwork for Ryan, errands, laundry, and cleaning for me.  Ryan and I grabbed dinner at La Tee Da restaurant on Allen on Saturday night.  They have an amazing back patio that is tucked away and I never knew was there.  Food was average, nothing bad, but nothing great.  They specialize in Italian and we focused more on specials.  I'll certainly go back for the ambiance and next time stick to Italian.  They did serve their fresh bread with a delicious garlic butter, with HUGE chunks of garlic, which were yummy. 

So you'll see the recurring trend of laundry.  Weekends are my time for laundry and/or folding clothes.  Fortunately, it's a great thing to do Saturday mornings while Maeve's relaxing after waking up.  Here she was just mesmerized by watching the washer and dryer. Even when she's playing, I'll catch her just watching for a minute or two before resuming play.  We're also working on the bottle to cup transition and she's doing ok.  She's great when she's horizontal, but can't get that she has to lift it higher when she's in her booster seat.  

Sunday was more of the same, plus a visit from Uncle Brendon and cousin Drew, as well as Nana & Papa later on. We did have first grilled steaks of the season so I tried out Paula Deen's Broccoli Salad recipe.  It was pretty good, not really healthy with mayo and bacon and cheese, but it was nice to mix it up from our staple of steamed broccoli. 

Looking forward to the week flying by since long weekend next week.  Here was Maeve before school this morning.  Showing alittle leg in a cute one piece outfit. 

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