Friday, May 18, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend

My first official Mother's Day weekend as a mother was very similar to every other weekend... busy, busy, busy. Started off by leaving work and heading to Maeve's school for Mother's Day Tea.  Obviously in the baby room, they can't sing a song or do much, but it was nice to meet some of the other parents and Maeve enjoyed me sticking around for more than 5 minutes to play at her school with her.  Here she is standing at a balance bar in front of a mirrow...girl loves to look at herself.  After tea, we rant to OP to drop of Maeve for a sleep-over with Aunt Sue as we had my cousin Kate's wedding.  Fun wedding and always good to catch up with the Wallace aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Plus my parents were in town so bonus for us.  Wedding was at Avanti Manor in the new building and I was pretty impressed with the food.  My chicken was delicious.  Off topic, but Alicia and I both noticed that the appetizers were large in size so very tough to eat, especially in a dress in front of people.  Note to self, easy to eat and truly bite-size are best.  The apps were good though, especially some BLT bruschetta thing that I need to try to recreate!

  Saturday we had my cousins' Max & Maggie's First Communion, which was spent catching up with the Griffin aunts, uncles, and cousins.  I get how Ryan can sometimes get overwhelmed with so many people, but this is all I've known and I love it. We took it easy rest of the day so that means naps, playtime, and laundry. 

Maeve ready to head home after falling asleep at the party and post-nap crawling to Daddy on the floor
 Getting into the laundry basket...The girl loves to unfold and throw everything out.  Ryan enjoyed seeing me squirm after all of my folding went to waste. 

Enjoying her new ride from the Aunt Heather. 

So on Mother's Day I was greeted with Maeve sleeping in an extra hour until 7:30... amazing!  However, I was still up at 6:30 waiting and waiting and not falling back asleep.  Ryan was doing some running around the day before so I knew he was up to something and I was greeted with this adorable picture.  He took Maeve to Heather's to use her chalkboard and had our nieces Mara & Lauren do the writing to keep it authentic.  Turned out perfect so I've got a new picture for my office at work.  The lighting must have been funny in the basement as her hair looks very RED and every one at work comments about it, but it's really not red, more dirty blond. 
We then headed to see both of our Mom's, coffee with the Daleys and brunch with the Wallaces.  I have a ton of cute pics from brunch on my camera so will add those soon.  We ended the day with some homemade guacamole and chicken enchiladas... yum!  I normally don't make homemade guac, but it tastes so much better than the packages.  The recipe I used had a good amount of garlic, which I love!  So I really couldn't have asked for a better weekend.

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